Monday, June 9, 2008

Ryker Thomas Orr

Ryker Thomas Orr was born at 8:20 am on Sunday, June 8. I was having contractions about every 5 minutes that Saturday night and went to bed and jokingly told Grant we weren't going to make it through the night. I woke up at 1:30, thinking I needed to go to the bathroom, got out of bed, and my water broke. We called a friend to come sit with the kids through the night and take them to church and we headed to the hospital. I got checked in and they set up my monitors. I was not contracting very hard or regular, so they let me just hang out. We had an ultrasound done about 3 am. They figured his stomach was measuring 41 weeks (stomach size is the number one indicator for shoulder discoxia), so we opted to go ahead with the c-section. My doctor was out of town for the weekend, so I ended up having the on-call doctor perform the surgery. He was wonderful, a very nice doctor who tried to help put me at ease. I got a spinal to numb me from the lower chest down. It didn't take the first time, so they had to do a second tap. That was not fun. It did finally work and Ryker was born at 8:20. He was 7 pounds, 12 ounces. He was 20 inches long. They took Grant and Ryker to the nursery while I was stitched up. I did not handle the medications well and was vomiting and had a fever and hot and cold flashes. So, I didn't get to hold Ryker for a couple more hours. The did give me something for the vomiting, but it made me so tired, I couldn't keep my eyes open. So, we all slept most of the day Sunday. The kids came to visit and see their baby brother later that evening. Avery didn't want to stop holding him. Kyler and Zadyn were a little anxious, but eventually warmed up to him. Zadyn kept telling people that the baby was not in mom's belly anymore. It was cute. Here are a few pictures of Ryker. We left in such a hurry, I forgot to grab the camera and so the picture are all from later in the day on Sunday.


Kathleen Gauger said...

Congratulations on your darling little new baby. He is beautiful. Take good care of yourself too Alisa as reality will hit once you get home from the hospital. Ouch! But fun! XOXO

Dad said...

Well, doesnt look like you can send him back with that face. He definitely belongs in the family. Congratulations!

Mary Clark said...

Ryker is cute! Im glad that everything went okay and that your kids all adore him. Good Luck

Sarah said...

He sure looks like an Orr mistaking that. He is cute and congratulations.

Linda Clark said...

He is totally a cutie. Reminds me of Avery when he was a baby. Glad that everything went okay and that you are doing great. We are excited to have him here and I will see you all in a few days!

Collette said...

HOORAY!!!!!!!!!!!! He's pretty much rockin' that rasta hat man!!!
Happy he is here and that you both are heathy

Paulene Davis said...

Congratulations. I am so glad all went well. If you can count vomiting and chills going well. The things we do for our children. He looks wonderful and healthy.