Sunday, October 12, 2008

The Heat is ON!

Literally, the heat is on in the house. It's been so cold here the past few days. I don't think we've gotten over 40 degrees in a few days. Kyler and I stayed home from church today with Ryker because Kyler has a sore throat today. We were cleaning the pictures off the camera when we noticed it was snowing again. We sat and watched the snow for an hour as it started sticking to the rocks, then the trampoline, then the garden, then the grass, then the housetops. It's still snowing as we write this. We are wondering what happened to Fall?!?!?!


Collette said...

yes we got snow yesterday. It snowed all day but only stuck in the morning so it was cold, windy, and wet. Welcome the season of Wintum

Linda Clark said...

Well, our littel bit of snow accumulation was very litte, but I loved watching it snow all day Saturday, even though it didn't stick. They had more in town than we did and Hazelton got a foot or snow between Friday night and Sunday morning. We will get fall temperatures back this week, as we are supposed to be int eh 60's by Friday.