Monday, November 3, 2008

Halloween and an early Christmas

We had a fun Halloween. The kids loved Trick-or-Treating around our subdivision and going to the church Trunk-or-Treat (although there were only 4 cars there, so we only stayed a few minutes). They loved dressing up as a ninja, Batman, Bedtime Bear, and Spidey Baby.

They loved to make their "potato-head" pumpkins. Grant carved one for work with inspiration from Collette's pumpkins. Thanks Letty for the idea!!! It turned out great!

Saturday, we went shopping to Costco and Grant and I picked out our Christmas present. It has been so fun to play. Even Ryker loves to hear it. The kids have enjoyed taking turns playing and Avery asks every few minutes if he can learn to play now.


Linda Clark said...

The kids look adorable in their costumes and your pumpkins turned out great. I love the potato head idea and wow on Grant's. I am so excited that you have a piano, you will have to raid my music when you come for Thanksgiving.

Collette said...

HOORAY AND DOUBLE HOORAY!!! for the new piano!! It looks gorgeous. Of course the kids look amazingly cute in their outfits and the pumpkins rock. i love the Mr. Pumkpin Heads. Grant didn't do that half bad of a job neither

Dad said...

A piano?!? Does that mean Avery, Kyler and Zadyn will sing to me next time we visit?

Paulene Davis said...

Congratulations on getting a piano. Music in the home is wonderful. Love the Care Bear. Your pumpkins are outstanding.