Wednesday, January 21, 2009


On January 4th, the boundaries of our ward were changed. We, thankfully, stayed in the same ward. Our ward doubled in size! We are so excited and were anticipating lots of changes. The first big change that effected our family came last Sunday. Grant was released from the Bishopric and called to be the ward employment specialist. They called a new counselor from the new set of members. Grant will miss the calling, but the kids are excited to have him sit with us during Sacrament Meeting again. We figured it has been 5 1/2 years since he's ridden to and from church with us as a family. I'm sure it won't last long, as changes are made frequently in the church.

The other change we have going on is our basement. We are packing up EVERYTHING and finishing the walls. We have someone coming in a couple weeks to tape and texture the walls and ceiling. Then, we will paint. We are hoping to install carpet, too, but will have to wait and see what the bids are. I am so excited to have this so much closer to being done. Avery will get his own room in the basement. He is very excited for us to finish!

With everything being packed up in the basement, most things will be stored in the garage for the next few weeks. The exception being the furniture and spare bed. They will be stored upstairs, making our house look very crowed. But, it's only temporary, so no big deal. We also had to move our school books and such upstairs in the kitchen. So, school has taken on a whole new area of the house!


jersgirl57 said...

That is Awsome about getting you're basment done! Hey I'm trying to figure out how to add someones blog site to mine. So we can just click and get to others...I'm just realy confused about this whole thing!

Sarah said...

Sarah I can show you when I come over on Wednesday. It is pretty easy. That is great news Alisa...we hope to have ours finished before the 4th of July but I am secretly wishing for Chad's big day but I know that won't happen.

Linda Clark said...

Changes are inevitable and always coming. Enjoy Grant at church while you can! I am so glad that you are geting your basement finished. We need to get the rest of ours done, too. A little at a time...