Friday, May 30, 2008

Another (long) update

I had my doctor appointment yesterday (Thursday) and we have tentatively set the c-section date for the 23 or 24 of June. Depends on what the hospital has open as we get closer. I will know more on that in the coming weeks. I had a non-stress test done, standard procedure for gestational diabetes patients, and things went well. The baby is moving and kicking and the heart beat is responding accordingly. The nurse couldn't find a heartbeat right away and in order to save time, they just turned the ultrasound machine on to find the heartbeat (the baby rides higher than she had thought). So, they confirmed it's still a boy. My blood glucose levels have been "perfect". I have not come close to going over my maximum level in almost two weeks. My morning fasting levels have even leveled off. I have a pretty good schedule going and know what I can and can't eat, so that helps. I go back in another week.

We planted our garden on Monday. The boys loved dropping seeds into the holes. Although, when we planted the corn, it was a couple days later and a little muddy. So, the seeds got muddy and the boys didn't want to help. Grant ended up planting it himself. Avery and Kyler wanted to know if dirty seeds grew muddy corn. I guess we'll have to wait and see.

I have been taking the kids to the library each week before my doctor appointments and letting them check out some books. Avery is checking out 10-15 books a week (level 4 and 5) and is finishing them 4 days later. So, I found some of the Magic Tree House books, a little higher level chapter books, thinking it would take him a little longer to read them. Oh NO, I was wrong. He read almost one whole book on the ride home! Of the 10 books I got his yesterday, he's already read 3 and working on #4 right now. I have to take the books away from him and send him outside to play! He'd read all day if I'd let him. They start their summer reading program next week and are excited for that.

Zadyn has graduated to short pajamas for the summer, so in an effort to get creative and figure out how to attach her stimulus unit to her at night, I have purchased some glittery princessy belts. I will sew belt loops into the inside of her PJ tops and string the unit through and have it rest on her hip. (this allows her to still get to the bathroom in the night without fighting cords) We'll see how well it works out.

Kyler has one more week of Speech for the school year. He is going to get a lot of summer homework, he was told. He is starting on the R sound, which is difficult for him. But, I'm sure he'll pick it up soon, he always does. He is also starting to look for books at the library that he can read. He loves to sound out words and asked me the other day why K-Mart was "Big" K-mart after reading the word BIG on the sign. Sigh, I guess I have to rethink what I was going to order for him for school books next year.

Grant got all the sheet rock hung in the bathroom. He started painting the walls, with the help of the kids, but the smell was so bad, he had to stop. He will finish it when the weather is nicer and the kids and I can go outside and play while he paints. He has been busy working in the yard and we just purchased some new bushes and plants and border rock for his next project. (I think the neighbors think I'm a slave driver!!) I will post pictures of things as they are finished.


Mary Clark said...

I would just like to say please dont schedule for your c-section on the 23 of june. As you should know that is Bailee's birthday. I would like to have Linda be able to celebrate her birthday. Its one thing if you had it naturally on her day but to pick that day in particular is kind of mean.

Alisa said...

Mary, I hope you don't think I would purposefully choose the same day as Bailee's birthday. I, however, don't get to pick the day. It will be whatever day the hospital has open for me. I will hope that you understand the need to have my mom here while I'm having and recovering from the surgery I will need to have this baby.

Paulene Davis said...

I am so glad that you are doing so well. Best wishes in the upcoming weeks.Love you.....